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HGH Therapy for Women

Hormonal balance is one of the essential aspects that impact the physician and psychological well-being of any woman. Knowing that our clinic provides the highest quality bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for each woman individually, with consideration of their needs and health situation.

Here, the leading hormone therapy experts from our clinic will introduce the human growth hormone (HGH) therapy, explaining the cases when women should get the treatment, what benefits of hGH therapy for women and why you should entrust your problems to professional hormone therapy specialists.

What Is Human Growth Hormone Therapy?

Human growth hormone therapy is the treatment procedure for growth hormone (GH) deficiency through the injections of growth hormone into the body. GH is naturally produced by the pituitary gland and reaches its peak level nearly at the age of 20 and, as the body ages, GH level decreases.

This type of hormone plays an important role in growth stimulation, cellular reproduction, and cellular regeneration in humans. For women, the role of growth hormone becomes most evident after its decline around middle age. Once women reach the perimenopausal and menopausal years, estrogen, progesterone, and hGH decline significantly. So, it’s more likely to see the first signs of GH deficiency: loss of lean body mass, increased fat around the stomach, trouble sleeping, loss of interest in sex, thin, sagging skin, low energy, and others. Additionally, the hGH deficiency also increases the likelihood of osteoporosis which affects 1 in 5 women, as it is linked to the bone mass decrease.

Benefits of HGH Therapy for Women

When the HGH deficiency is diagnosed, professional doctors typically prescribe HGH injections to balance the hormone level in women. Once you see the first results, the treatment can be stopped or reduced. Human growth hormone therapy results include:

  • Increased energy, mood, and productivity
  • Better sleep and less tiredness
  • Boosted muscular tissue production
  • Greater interest in sex
  • Notable weight loss, especially stubborn belly fat and cellulite

Under HGH treatment, women can expect to see lots of physical, mental, and emotional improvements that positively impact their health and well-being.

What Are the Indications of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Women?

As you probably know, the HGH level peaks around age 20 and decreases naturally over time. Typically, around the age of 40, some women can experience various symptoms of an HGH deficiency. So, after we’ve discovered the major benefits of hGH for women, it will be also useful to learn the most significant signs of the growth hormone deficiency:

  • Weight gain
  • Lower energy
  • Aging skin, wrinkles
  • Insomnia and shifting
  • Lower sexual activity
  • Bone weakness

These are the most common symptoms of hGH deficiency, but they can differ on each woman individually. Knowing that in our clinic we always pick up the GH treatment according to the hormone balance and symptoms to help you feel strong, active, and beautiful as never before.

Why Choose Our Clinic?

With years of experience, our clinic has been working with thousands of different medical cases of hormone treatment for high-risk patients. We’re providing the individual hormone therapy treatment plans for each of our clients to ensure they will reach excellent results that will put their life quality on a completely new level.

Why do thousands of clients across the world choose us?

  • Our primary mission is to help men and women restore balance to their bodies and their lives by providing the highest quality bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
  • In our clinic, you’ll get professional assistance from board-certified hormone doctors, experienced nurses, knowledgeable and caring medical advisors, and dedicated support staff that is always here to help each person achieve hormonal balance and optimum well-being.
  • We’re working only with the certified, high-quality medications to ensure the safe and effective treatment for our patients

Keep on reading to find out how to start your human growth hormone treatment and improve your well-being right now!

How to Get Started

Once you’ve decided to get the hGH treatment, you’ll surely want to discover how it works. For sure, hGH therapy is held under the closed supervision of professional physicians: they’ll pick up the personalized growth hormone treatment, guide how to inject yourself, and help to accurately measure the hormone therapy performance for the best result.

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How to Get Started

Once you’ve decided to get the hGH treatment, you’ll surely want to discover how it works. For sure, hGH therapy is held under the closed supervision of professional physicians: they’ll pick up the personalized growth hormone treatment, guide how to inject yourself, and help to accurately measure the hormone therapy performance for the best result.

Full Medical Consultation and Examination

Firstly, you’ll get a detailed medical consultation and examination concerning the hGH treatment process. Just like any other hormone therapy, the treatment is prescribed for each patient individually based on the results of consultation and health checkups. At this stage, your doctor will analyze the problem and develop a possible treatment plan for the best results.

Blood Work and Medical History Analysis

To make the hGH therapy more effective, you should also conduct the grow hormone (GH) test to check the amount of hGH your body makes. Along with the medical records submitted, this information will help medics to evaluate how severe the human growth hormone deficiency is and adjust the hormone dosage to mimic the behavior of natural GH in your body.

In addition, don’t forget to submit your medical history records to ensure the physicians have all the information to pick up the most effective therapy for you!

Learn How to Inject Yourself Properly

Next, you’ll be taught how to make the growth hormone injections properly with the correct dosage of HGH for women. As a rule, hGH is injected subcutaneously (just below the skin and into the fatty tissue). That is why, the most convenient parts for injections are the stomach, deltoid, thigh, etc.

At this stage, you can also clarify the questions concerning the HGH injection process or the treatment in general. Our professional doctors always ensure the patients have all the necessary knowledge to get started and know the entire procedure up to the slightest details.

Monitor the Process and Track the Results

Finally, the hGH therapy performance will be fully supervised by the professional doctors, who are responsible for tracking the progress, adjusting the hormone dosage, and measuring the outcomes with the regular examinations and follow-up blood tests.

You’ll be asked to regularly conduct blood checkups to help medics track the treatment process and record the results of your human growth hormone therapy.

Still Have Any Questions? Contact Us Immediately!

If you still have any questions concerning human growth hormone therapy in women or need additional information about the treatment process – feel free to contact us! With years of practice in hormone treatment, our top-notch experts are always ready to pick up the individual treatment plan that will specifically fit your body's needs.

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You’ve decided to start HGH therapy for men, what’s next? Our experts have created an informative guide to help patients understand the entire treatment process step-by-step.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the most common questions about human growth therapy for women here!

What Is HGH?

hGH refers to human Growth Hormones – the specific type of hormones required for body growth, cell regeneration, and cell reproduction. They’re naturally produced by the pituitary gland and responsible for maintaining, building, and repairing healthy tissue in your brain and the entire body.

Does HGH Help Menopause in Women?

Regular HGH injections can help women to offset the negative symptoms of menopause when estrogen levels decline significantly.

Does HGH Increase Female Weight?

According to studies by WebMD, HGH therapy may lead to a small decrease in fat and an increase in lean mass. Nevertheless, no changes are noticed in the bodyweight, which means it cannot be used as a remedy for losing weight in women.

Is HGH Therapy Safe for Women?

Like any other hormone treatment, hGH therapy is completely safe for women’s health if prescribed under the close supervision of a professional medic. They’ll prescribe the proper HGH dosage according to the specifics of your medical history and health indicators, show how to properly make the hormone injections, and help you to track your progress on the way to achieving your physical and psychological well-being.

Can hGH Shorten Women’s Life?

The studies described in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism have shown that the human growth hormone therapy for women cannot either prolong or shorten the patient’s lifespan.

Is HGH Therapy Legal?

Yes, HGH therapy is completely legal in the US if prescribed by medical specialists due to health reasons in medically justified cases. Thus, it does not include hastening recovery from injuries and cannot be used as an anti-aging treatment in older women.

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